Short Story News Cycle Series
"Hope Tracks" is the fourth story in a series by author Mikaela Brewer, exploring key issues in our national and global news cycles. This issue the focus is on the prejudice surrounding transgender athletes.
Storytelling via fiction can carry us somewhere, change our minds, remind us of who we are, humble us, and carve a space to see our collective, intertwined connection in a way that moves us toward liberation-focused action. Visit the Writer's Room for the full story.
by Maggie Nelson
"Nelson writes a philosophical exploration of heartbreak, static suffering, and human connection channelled through the colour blue. The novella begins with Nelon’s exclamation that she has fallen in love with a colour, which hangs in the background of her personal essays into seemingly mundane and rather insignificant moments in life, until the presence of her hue interrupts back into the frame."